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Profile Of A Dork.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Can Anyone Help Me??

For my current project I am attempting to track down as much information reguarding a few old supposedly haunted sites.
  • Kapunda Cemetery and Reformatory
  • Dead Mans Reserve, Gawler
  • Port Adelaide
  • Cheltenham cemetery
  • Old Spot Hotel, Gawler
  • Tanunda Cemetery
  • The old Norwood Primary school
  • Shenaidas Alley (An alley off Greenhill road also known as "Michaels Reserve")
  • 21 Brigalow Avenue, Seacomb Gardens "Mr. Price"
  • Coffee Pot Cafe in Gawler Place, City
  • Hillcrest Hospital
  • 2 properties on Regency road, both locations unknown
  • 1 house in Enfield where a man was murdered in the 90's
  • A 1 house in prospect adjacent the defunct service station.

If anyone has any information reguarding any of these locations and/or the history behind them , even the smallest detail would be greatly appreciated, as well as any other haunted local locations that I might not yet know about.

Thankyou =)

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Another crappy poem by moi...

Already Buried

It's been too long, time has passed away.
Everything is caving in, in my final hours here I lay.
I've been ripped apart from the inside, and left here to bleed.
Constantly searching for someone, to give me the love that I need.
I needed someone there, to tell me right from wrong.
Now it seems my life is best described, as tragic lyrics in a suicide song.
I should have called it over, I should have handed back my keys.
I just couldn't let go, its love, which is what others fail to see.
Although our time together was short, in years I counted three.
And everytime I fell apart, you were always someone who stuck by me.
I love you more as time ticks on, every second seems such a waste.
Life without you just has no meaning, as if life simply lost its taste.
I never blamed you for leaving me, I blamed myself for not holding on.
Over the years I carried my feeling well, but now my sorrow seems to weigh a ton.
The tears become a storm, showing everything but thunder.
As this broken child begins her journey, which can only end when she is six feet under.

Monday, May 29, 2006

Bullshit Conspiracy!

After doing a bit of personal research, which included reading the book "Suddenly one Sunday" by the author Mike Bingham about the Port Arthur massacre in 1996, I feel the urge to write this rant in hopes of setting facts straight starting.... now!
A disturbingly large number of people seem to be under the impression Martin Bryant is the supposed victim of a horrible conspiracy reguarding the lax gun laws in Tasmania in 1996 as shown
The evidence used to support this deluded theory is found mainly crapped all over the video footage and Martin bryants IQ of 66. In order for this theory to work however, one would need to first explain Martin Bryants presence at the Seascape guest house and how he managed to come in contact with Glenn Roy Pears and the solen BMW.
They also try to claim that due to the people supposedly smoking in a screenshot therefore they were in "now danger". But then hey - he only killed 15 people within 12 seconds, no worries. No siree, no danger whatsoever...
And finally the IQ excuse....
Who said you needed to be smart to own a phuking gun license anyway? You don't even need to be mentally stable !
ie. My step-father had his firearms license for years, and he was a phuking lunatic!
As for not being able to put it altogether or hold the firearm and repeatedly fire due to body stature - Glassed! That's a load of phuking shit. Adrenaline is an amazing thing and he was pumped with it.
It sure as hell does Not take an intelligent nor well educated phukass to decide to go on a massive blood hungry rampage. Besides, the whole "madman" bullshit is a bit sloppy for my tastes.
Anywho rant over, I feel slightly better :)
In memory of Gwenda Joan Neander, aged 67 who also lost her life on this fateful day.

It's A Girl!

Ever Realise just how girly Mr. Bryant truly was?
I never had... until I was using his face as my avatar in Msn and realised some picures I've taken of me in the past via webcam could be morphed to look like Martin Bryant himself. I'm quite disgusted =P

My Obsession.

Since my most recent obsession with The City Of Singapore disaster which occured on Saturday, April 26th, 1924. The large cargoship caught fire while docked at Port Adelaide, wharf two.
The fire blazed long into the night, random explosions ringing long into the early morning hours, the ship itself eventually breaking into two halves and begining it's decent to the bottom of the Port.
The victims of this horrific tragedy were B. Greenman who died instantly after having the top of his blown off when one of the first explosions went off.
J. Anderson managed to somehow make it on board the cargo ship only to get caught within the flames.
And lastly, J. Hickey, who's body went missing at the scene, but was later recovered in a watery grave.
A ghostly presence still lurks along dock 2, no one is sure of who it is, but I'm pretty sure it's Mr. Hickey. Meanwhile in Cheltenham Cemetery at the firemans memorial there has been spotted a transparent spectre on the anniversary of the Singapore Disaster.

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I have spent a couple of nights at this grave site and so far have seen nothing out of the usual. However there is a strong feeling surrounding the memorial itself. Next time I return I will take some pictures of the eerie fireman.

Friday, May 26, 2006

Downtime in Happyland...

The Core
She sits there alone and stares at the screen,
Her entire existence, what does it all mean?

She feels so cut off and starts to cry.
There are slits up her arms, but no one knows why.

Her soul full of self pity, scars of pain.
It feels as if within life she has nothing to gain.

She cries alone, night after night.
Her sub conscious flares up for yet another fight.

A battle inside herself is all she must feel.
But even to this day it just never seems real.

The time of the past has already flown by.
She reflects back on this time and lets out another cry.

The pain and loss over the years,
Has managed to bring forth so many salty tears.

She thinks of everything that lies beneath the core.
But where she's gone, she wont feel anything anymore.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Okie dokie...

I honestly had no idea how to do the whole image thing until about 6 minutes ago. I feel so l33t!!!1!!1!!
I've always wanted to try out a blog, not sure wtf I'm going to write about but at least I now have one. I should soon feel complete! Anyway, I'm a typical dork, and when I'm not "dorking it up" I'm a terrible fame whore.
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Ummm, yeah... that'll do for a first real post :D

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Test Post

I want to see my template and it wont let me otherwise. Bastards.